About Us


Based in Singapore, we are a website that aims to provide a platform to connect people from different parts of the world to get things done efficiently and cost-effectively.

Started as a small SME in Singapore, we fight a constant war against rising costs.  One of the costs is that of marketing. A lot of times, the work needed to be done seems relatively simple but because editing images is not something me or my partner know how to do, we ended up outsourcing it to an agency. Likewise, due to the rising costs of managing agencies, simple editing could also cost up to $50 or $100, or even more depending on the complexity. The amount might sound small for 1 or 2 artwork, but if we can put the same amount to effective use, we would definitely love to be able to produce more collaterals for marketing and boost sales. It’s always a balancing act between costs and revenue.

It was until 1 occasion that we happened to be chatting with a friend from India about how costs are becoming difficult to manage that he suggested that we should explore outsourcing some of the works to someone he knows in India as it is likely that costs will be much lower. So we decided to give it a try. Till today, we still use freelancers from India for both digital as well as physical artwork.

Of course, one of our concerns when working with someone we are not familiar with overseas was that of payments and quality of deliverables. At that time, the friend who linked us up with the India party was the trusted link.

The checkpoint feature incorporated on the website serves to protect the interests of both the client and employee. Client is assured that payment will only be released if they are satisfied with the work while the employee has a piece of mind that the client has set aside funds to pay for the work to be done creating a win-win situation.

We believe our platform would definitely help to alleviate cost pressures for clients while connecting talented freelancers to job opportunities around the world.



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